September 14 - October 30 (7 CLasses)

Classes are open to all skill levels.
New students are always welcome!

21 possible classes in 7 weeks - Suggested payments as follows:

1 class/week $70
2 classes/week $130 = 1 free classes
3 classes/ week $190 = 2 free classes

Payment can be made by e-transfer to joannecusack@icloud.com 


Please note the times, each day is different.

Monday am- 9:15 – 10:30, (waiting room opens at 9 am)

Wednesday pm- 6:45 - 8 pm, (waiting room opens at 6:30 pm)

Friday am (using a Chair as a prop) 9:30 – 10:45, (waiting room opens at 9:15 am)

All classes are open to beginners and experienced alike. 
Inviting your friends, families and coworkers (even across the country) to try a free class helps keep the classes viable.

Equipment; yoga mat, bolster or firm cushion, blanket or throw, 2 yoga blocks, and a strap or belt are occasionally used as props.

*Please note, if you need to change days because of a commitment or appointment you do not have to let us know in advance.